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posted on wednesday, 11 april 2012 at 6:13 pm edited on sunday, 06 september 2015 at 8:07 pm there are some people you'll never see again. at least, not in the same way. j'ai envie de te remercier, aujourd'hui. je crois mme que a relve plutt du besoin. c'est une nouvelle anne. de nouveaux projets, mais c'est surtout constamment aller vers l'avant. j'avais besoin de l't, sa capacit tout remettre zro, tout nettoyer, son temps infini pour se retrouver. il y a quelques annes, j'ai coch l'option latin au collge, et j'ai rencontr des gens qui sont toujours dans ma vie aujourd'hui. des gens avec qui j'ai partag un voyage en italie et qui me sont vraiment importants. je ne sais pas trop pourquoi je cherchais tant que a de nouvelles figures et de nouvelles ttes au lyce, la fac, ailleurs, parce que ce sont toujours les mmes visages qui reviennent. je les aime vraiment. j'espre qu'ils auront toujours tout ce qu'ils esprent dans la vie. cette anne, il m'est arriv quelque chose d'horrible, qui m'a bris le coeur et qui m'a fait oublier la personne que j'tais. et bizarrement, prsent, je me dis que c'tait pour le mieux. en me cherchant, je me suis rendue compte que je suis heureuse. j'ai des tas de projets partout, j'ai des amis du bout du monde, je vais avoir un nouveau chat. tu crois que a commence faire trop ? j'ai vraiment envie de construire, je n'ai plus peur d'aimer. je me fiche bien de ce que je peux recevoir quand je peux voir tout ce que je suis capable de donner. je n'ai besoin de personne pour me dfinir, et malgr tous ceux qui sont partis cette anne, je peux encore tre heureuse et honore de nos instants partags, de nos souvenirs et de nos plus belles photos. et c'est sans doute l o je gagne, mme si c'est dans le pass. je crois que heureuse maintenant, est diffrent d'heureuse avant. je crois mme que c'est mieux. avec tout mon amour, h. 0 | 0 comment comment the author of this blog only accepts comments from friends. you haven't logged in. clique ici pour poster un commentaire en tant identifi avec ton compte skyrock et un lien vers ton blog ainsi que ta photo seront automatiquement ajouts ton commentaire. # posted on wednesday, 31 august 2016 at 4:12 pm edited on wednesday, 31 august 2016 at 4:38 pm we haven't touched stars nor are we forgiven. which brings us back to the hero's shoulders and the gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence but despite the abundance of it. summer was here again. summer, summer, summer. i loved and hated summers. summer's had a logic all their own and they always brought something out in me. summer was supposed to be about freedom and youth and no school and possibilities and exploration. summer was a book of hope. that's why i loved and hated summers. because they made me want to believe. 1 | 0 comment comment the author of this blog only accepts comments from friends. you haven't logged in. clique ici pour poster un commentaire en tant identifi avec ton compte skyrock et un lien vers ton blog ainsi que ta photo seront automatiquement ajouts ton commentaire. # posted on tuesday, 24 may 2016 at 8:24 am edited on tuesday, 07 june 2016 at 4:55 pm don't fall in love with the moment and think you're in love with the boy. soulmates aren't rare, they aren't. you'll meet a thousand soulmates, just as you'll live a thousand lives. north stars though, they are. by chance you'll meet someone who encompasses the way home. someone who is home. and knowing them is like being found without ever knowing you were lost. and you will love them as they are, flaws and all, because they are yours. they exist beneath your skin, in your veins, in your bones. there is no force that is more than they are. you are born half in love with them , and to have them, to be theirs, is nothing else. nothing would dare to be. the 1975 2 | 0 comment comment the author of this blog only accepts comments from friends. you haven't logged in. clique ici pour poster un commentaire en tant identifi avec ton compte skyrock et un lien vers ton blog ainsi que ta photo seront automatiquement ajouts ton commentaire. # posted on sunday, 27 march 2016 at 6:08 pm edited on tuesday, 19 april 2016 at 5:30 pm you make me so aware of time. i guess it's because when i'm with you, i feel it running out. “i can't believe i'm going to die young,” he says, his arms folded around me, “i thought i was going to grow old and have kids and pay taxes.” “nothing ever turns out as planned, does it?” i say, tired. we are waiting, tangled up in sheets and blankets and our own bodies. “i guess, spending the end of the world with you isn't so bad,” he jokes, and i kiss him. he is warm and tastes like sunlight, if it had a flavor, the kind that didn't destroy planets and burn everything to nothing. “what if we're already dead, and we don't know it. it happened so fast that we didn't even feel anything, so this is heaven.” “what if, you're just crazy.” i raise my hand to hit him, but he catches it and holds it in his own as he kisses me again. “i thought we'd have more time,” he says sadly. outside, the sky is glowing. i look at the clock and it's eleven at night. the end is coming. “i thought we would, too.” he holds me tighter and we watch the sky. it's beautiful, and i smile. the wind starts to beat against the walls, and i can feel it getting closer, ripping up the ground. “i always hoped we would last,” he yells over it all, and he is crying, and so am i, but even now he is beautiful, and i want to kiss him. “we lasted until the end of the world, didn't we?” i shout, and he laughs, a carefree, happy sound, and i cherish it, knowing i may never hear it again. the wind grows louder and the glass in the windows start to crack. i kiss him, hard, and he pulls the blanket over us. for a moment, there is nothing but the two of us and the sound of our heartbeats. then, there is nothing but light. 2 | 0 comment comment the author of this blog only accepts comments from friends. you haven't logged in. clique ici pour poster un commentaire en tant identifi avec ton compte skyrock et un lien vers ton blog ainsi que ta photo seront automatiquement ajouts ton commentaire. # posted on wednesday, 23 march 2016 at 9:35 am edited on sunday, 27 march 2016 at 6:07 pm "somehow it's happened; we're healing together. funny how the words apart put peace where there was pain. funny how what broke our hearts is what in the end makes us okay." every scar, every wound, every ache inside of you is a story. and stories are th